This map shows the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon (PMD) world as depicted in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon. Markers for all major locations from the current PMD games are displayed, including several extra markers in the "Other" category. Clicking on a name bubble links to the matching page on Bulbapedia. All markers have been positioned as accurately as possible, but some markers from the first 3 games may be slightly inaccurate due to changes in continent shapes between games.
Using the Map:This map is best viewed on Chrome with Javascript enabled.
Map Extras & Fun Facts:When applied to a sphere at the same scale as the world shown in Super Mystery Dungeon cutscenes, the map barely covers half the planet. However, when applied in the same scale as the Pokémon Nexus in Super Mystery Dungeon, the map covers the entire planet. Two different world scales in the same game? Apparently.